Sunday, September 8, 2013

UDL in Action!

After evaluating and reflecting on my lesson that I pre and post-assessed using my UDL checklist, I became increasingly curious how other teachers are implementing UDL in their classrooms and lessons. I miss the days of student teaching when I could sit in a teacher's classroom and gain a multitude of ideas I could use. Now that have my own classroom, it's hard to get new ideas and incorporate them in useful ways because the only classroom I'm in is my own!

Wanting to know more about how I can strengthen my weaknesses in UDL I explored this fabulous resource: 

I encourage you to check it out! It has a simple UDL chart and graphic organizer to help you in your planning with each of the 3 key areas: representation, action and expression, and engagement.

I also included a video from the site that shows exactly what I wanted to see! UDL in ACTION! Check it out!

CAST: About UDL. (2012). Retrieved from


  1. I'm glad you mentioned how hard it is to get new ideas now that you're fully in control of your own classroom. With your day to day activities, your class must take up all your time. And if what you are doing is giving you the results you want, someone could ask why bother looking for new ideas when your current ones are good?

  2. Hey Alex! Yes, although what I use works, it doesn't always work for every class, every year. So I switch things up often. I follow teacher blogs which also give me simple, great ideas to just keep my routines and classroom atmosphere fresh! New ideas, like different behavior management techniques are always nice to change throughout the year to keep the incentives new and exciting and worthwhile for the students. Although that is just one example, there are other ways in which I switch up the way I do spelling one year to the next to experiment what works best for the group of students that are in front of me. Thanks for asking and causing me to reflect!
