Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Teaching Every Sudent


This site ties everything in perfectly that I've posted about UDL previously! This link encompasses everything I've discussed so far. In one area you can find links to UDL basics, case studies, how to get started on your lessons, and sample lessons for elementary, middle, and high school levels.
If you have checked out this specific site do yourself a favor a click around the multiple links that will send you on your way to better planning!
                Every child is capable of learning. You have the keys to unlock their potential!


  1. I completely agree Michelle how you say every child is capable of learning, It's trying to reach them based on their skills and ability that they already posses. I REALLY like how the picture shows each child probably learning the same content, just in a different way. As teachers, we need to hone into the skills that our students already have and use them to help them learn. This picture falls into the category of UDL Principle 1: Providing multiple means of representation. Great teachers allow every student to learn the same material in a way that lets them use their strength and style of learning.

  2. Michelle, I think you will be seeing your comment "every child is capable of learning. You have the keys to unlock their potential" on one of my future posts ! I will give you credit :)
    With so many learning needs in one class, it is easy to get overwhelmed, this will be a great resource for planning - one of the keys to meeting all learner's needs.
