Thursday, October 24, 2013

Autism and Communication Cards!

Now that we understand the difficulties children with autism have with expressive communication I want to discuss a few other visual supports that can be used by a child to communicate a message.

3 I will discuss today are:

  1. Break cards
  2. Choice cards
  3. Past event cards

A break card is a visual card that a child can present to show they need some time away from an activity, task, or person. The purpose of it is to allow the student to use I it in the event that that become bored, frustrated, or anxious. This will give them time away from the situation and reduce any challenging behaviors.

A great resource for understanding more about these is ( a quick and easy pdf file!)


A choice card is a visual card that a child can present or choose to make decisions! They feel empowered when given choices and this improves their communication skills and behavior!

Choice cards are picture cards used to offer a choice between 2 or more items. The choices can be of anything: from what to eat for a snack, to which song to sing, to which activity to do. The teacher must be willing to accept either choice and follow through with the child's decision.

Check out: for a few ides on how and when to use them!

Past event cards are general templates that are developed so that they can be easily circled or filled out each day and sent to home or school to aid a child in relating past information through a visual representation system. The purpose is to help bridge the gap between events, especially between home and school. Past events such as going to bed or getting ready for school can be turned into checklists and even stories to help the child remember and review!

I have taught a few children with autism and posting and researching about it is where my heart is! I think everything from picture cards to social stories are so interesting!

This link has a whole page of links to FREE communication cards, social story generators, PECS cards, and a list of Apps for autism!   Autism Tool Kit !!

What do think of these types of communication aides? Have you had a student that used any of these?

~ Michelle


Hodgdon, L. (1995). Visual strategies for improving communication practical supports for school and home, Troy:

QuirkRoberts Publishing.

The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2011 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.

Boardmaker® is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.

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